Popular Chinese Restaurant in Rome Closing After 37 Years (2025)

Abeloved culinary institution in the heart of Rome, New York, is closing its doors after serving the community for an impressive 37 years. Patrons were met with a bittersweet surprise when they approached the restaurant, only to find a notice posted on the front door announcing its closure:

After 37 wonderful years of serving you, Mayflower Chinese restaurant will officially close its doors on 10/31/2023. Unfortunately, our lease will not be renewed. We're immensely grateful for your love and support throughout the years. Many thanks.

For nearly four decades, the Mayflower had been a gathering place for Rome families seeking comforting Chinese cuisine. Understandably, news of its closureelicited somber remarks on Facebook:

I'm destroyed by this... Best Chinese food restaurant in Rome.

While the sudden closure came as a shock to many, it also inspired reflection on the Mayflower's longstanding impact on the local community:

Will miss the Mayflower. Best Chinese in Rome. Been going there ever since they opened.

Google Maps

We celebrated birthdays, holidays , and happy times at the Mayflower. Best Chinese food ever! Best Wishes for Future Endeavors.

Apart from the decision not to renew their lease, the reasons behind the restaurant's closure remain a mystery. Mayflower'slast day serving hungry Rome residents will be Tuesday, October 31st.

As Rome bids farewell to this culinary cornerstone, it's evident that the Mayflower's legacy will live on in the hearts of its patrons.

What Is The Oldest Chinese Restaurant In New York State?

Nom Wah Tea Parloropened in 1920. This has the honor of being the oldest continuously running restaurant in the Chinatown of Manhattan in New York City.

The restaurant serves Hong Kong style dim-sum and is currently located at 13 Doyers Street in Manhattan."

Take the trip to New York City and enjoy. Here's a look at some of the amazing food:

Gallery Credit: Dave Wheeler

8 Friendly's Restaurants Still Enduring in Upstate New York

While once plentiful, Friendly's restaurants are now an endangered species.

Gallery Credit: Will Phillips

Travel Writer Picks His Top 12 Upstate New York Italian Restaurants

Over the last 15 years or so, I have driven thousands of miles all around Upstate New York researchi8ng and exploring places for my 12 travel guides published for this area. Almost always, when it comes to dinner time, whether in Buffalo, Ithaca, or the Hudson Valley, I head to an Italian restaurant for a meal. And, yes, over these many years and miles I do have favorites. Here are a dozen of them!

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

Popular Chinese Restaurant in Rome Closing After 37 Years (2025)


Popular Chinese Restaurant in Rome Closing After 37 Years? ›

After 37 wonderful years of serving you, Mayflower Chinese restaurant will officially close its doors on 10/31/2023.

What is the oldest Chinese restaurant? ›

The Chicago Café in Woodland has been a family-run Chinese restaurant since 1903. WOODLAND, Calif.

What is the oldest Chinese restaurant in the world still open? ›

Ma Yu Ching's Bucket Chicken House, or Ma Yuxing, (Chinese: 马豫兴桶子鸡; pinyin: Mǎ Yùxīng Tǒngzi Jī), is a historic restaurant in Kaifeng, Henan, China, said to be originally established in 1153, during the Jin dynasty (1115–1234).

In which city was the first Chinese restaurant in the United States located? ›

Pekin Noodle Parlors
Pekin Noodle Parlor
Postal/ZIP Code59701
CountryUnited States
9 more rows

When was the first restaurant in China? ›

Ma Yu Ching opened China's oldest business, a restaurant in Nanjing, China, in 1153. His descendent, Ma Youren, brought Ma's traditional sauce back to the family's ancestral home of Kaifeng in 1864, reopening as Ma Yu Ching's Bucket Chicken House. Props to the NetCredit team for conducting the research!

What is the most popular Chinese restaurant name? ›

Some surprising results: the most commonly occurring restaurant name was “China Express.” Dragons are more popular than pandas. The use of the word Oriental seems to have declined as society places higher value on political correctness.

What is the oldest restaurant that is still here today? ›

Stiftskeller St. Peter, Salzburg, Austria (803)

The world's oldest restaurant can still be found housed within its original structure in St. Peter's Abbey in Salzburg.

What is the oldest known restaurant in the world? ›

Casa Botín, founded in 1725, is the oldest restaurant in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records and a benchmark of Madrid's best traditional cuisine.

What is the oldest restaurant still working? ›

Sobrino de Botín

What is America's oldest restaurant? ›

The White Horse Tavern is a National Historic Landmark being America's oldest restaurant, having served guests since 1673.

Which US city has the best Chinese food? ›

Las Vegas isn't just about bright lights, casinos, buffets, little white chapels, and Elvis Presley. According to MomoFuku founder David Chang, Sin City is also the best place in the United States to visit if you are hankering for Chinese food.

What is the most ordered Chinese food in the US? ›

What are the most popular Chinese foods?
  • Ma Po Tofu. ...
  • Wontons. ...
  • Dumplings. ...
  • Chow Mein. ...
  • Peking Roasted Duck. ...
  • Spring Rolls. ...
  • Moo Shu Pork. ...
  • Hot Pot. Hot Pot is a beloved communal dining experience in Chinese cuisine that involves cooking a variety of ingredients in a flavorful broth at the table.
Mar 13, 2024

What is the most Chinese city in the United States? ›

New York City is home to the largest Chinese-American population of any city proper, with over half a million.

What did Chinese eat before rice? ›

They found that people at this time also likely relied on bananas, acorns and freshwater roots and tubers as important plant foods prior to the cultivation of rice.

Why is dinner China called China? ›

It excels pottery in both pragmatic and artistic terms. That's why it gradually replaced pottery in the ceramic history. It is called china in English because it was first made in China, which fully explains that the delicate porcelain can be the representative of China.

What is the oldest continuous Chinese restaurant in the United States? ›

The 1910 provenance also puts the Woodland cafe in close historical proximity to Butte, Montana's, Pekin Noodle Parlor, which dates to either 1909 or 1911 and is widely recognized as the nation's oldest Chinese restaurant.

What is China's oldest food? ›

In October 2005, the oldest noodles yet discovered were located at the Lajia site near the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Qinghai. The site has been associated with the Qijia culture. Over 4,000 years old, the noodles were made from foxtail and broomcorn millet.

What is the oldest restaurant in the world still in business? ›

Botín – Madrid, Spain

The history of Botín — which holds the Guinness World Record for the world's oldest continuously operating restaurant — is loosely tied to the history of Spain itself. The restaurant's building dates to 1590, a mere 30 years after King Philip II ordered his court to move to Madrid.


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.