Nutrifungus - RimWorld Wiki (2025)

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A meaty bioengineered mushroom grown for its nutritious value. It can grow on fungal gravel, but only in darkness - exposing it to any kind of light, including darklights, will kill it.

Base Stats

0 (1)
Path Cost



Plant Stats

Time to grow
6 days (11.08 days)
Work to Sow
170ticks (2.83secs)
Work to Harvest
200ticks (3.33secs)
Base Harvest Yield
Min Fertility
Fertility Sensitivity
Min light to grow

Nutrifungus grows on lichen-covered soil and must be planted in and stay in complete darkness. So long as the darkness requirement is met, it can be grown in any terrain that is sufficiently fertile to support a growing zone. This includes, but is not limited to, fungal gravel and hydroponics basins. Due to its low fertility sensitivity, it takes fewer penalties from poorer soils than more sensitive plants, but also benefits less from being in hydroponics. Nutrifungus is immune to blight. An interesting exception to the rule that Nutrifungus can only grow in darkness is when planted around other mushroom-like emitters of light, such as Bryolux, Agarilux, or Glowstool.

Note that most ideoligions hate eating raw fungus.


  • 1 Growing
  • 2 Analysis
    • 2.1 Indoor farming
  • 3 Gallery
  • 4 Version history


  • Ground TypeGravelSoilRich SoilHydroponics
    Fertility (%)70100140280
    Real Grow Time (days)[1]11.611.0810.458.72
    Base Yield/day[2]0.950.991.051.26
    1. Actual days to grow, taking into account rest time.
    2. Per plant, assuming Crop Yield Multiplier of 1.0.
      Note that Difficulty settings change the Crop Yield Multiplier.
  • Analysis[edit]

    Nutrifungus grows very slightly slower than potato plants, taking 103.4% the time to grow for the exact same yield. In addition, yield per work is identical between the two crops, making them mostly identical for the purposes of food. Nutrifungus has even less fertility sensitivity than potatoes, so it actually grows faster in poor soil (the potato plant's usual niche).

    However, a baseline pawn will work 80% as fast with fungus due to the penalties of darkness. The Lighting: Darklight Preferred precept or Dark vision gene both counteract any negative dark-related effect.

    In addition, most ideoligions dislike eating raw fungus, with a −3 moodlet when cooked. This makes potatoes the superior overall choice for colonies without the Tunneler meme, so long as you can grow outdoors. With the Tunneler meme, growing nutrifungus becomes a no-brainer, as tunnelers hate non-fungus vegetables. They can be also viable if you are forced to grow crops under gravel or stony soil, such as in the Extreme Desert.

    Indoor farming[edit]

    Even without the Tunneler meme, fungus can be worthwhile to sow. This is because nutrifungus can be grown in darkness, which lets you grow indoors without needing a sun lamp. Being indoors, in turn, lets you use heaters to control the temperature, and grow crops during the winter. So, even when considering the mood penalty of fungus, and the work penalties of darkness, this crop can be worthwhile to grow. Also since it grows in caves it considerably harder for raiders to set alight than other chemfuel feedstocks.

    It can also be grown freely if you are forced to (or want to) live under a sun blocker. With a sun blocker, you'll still need to place a roof over the growing area for colonists to actually plant the crop.


    • Nutrifungus variant A

    • Nutrifungus variant B

    • Nutrifungus variant C

    Version history[edit]

    • Ideology DLC release - Added


    Domesticated plants
    Cocoa treeCorn plantCotton plantDevilstrand mushroomHaygrassHealrootHop plantPotato plantPsychoid plantRice plantSmokeleaf plantStrawberry plantTinctoriaFibercorn Gauranlen pod Nutrifungus Toxipotato plant
    Decorative plants
    DandelionsDaylilyRoseBonsai tree
    Wild plants
    AgariluxAgaveAlocasiaAmbrosia bushAstragalusBerry bushBramblesBryoluxBushChokevineCliviaGiant rafflesiaGlowstoolGrassLow shrubsMossPincushion cactusTall grassWild healrootAnima grass Gauranlen moss
    Bamboo treeBirch treeCecropia treeCypress treeDrago treeMaple treeOak treePalm treePine treePoplar treeSaguaro cactusTeak treeWillow treeTimbershroom Gray pine tree Pebble cactus Rat palm tree Witchwood tree
    Anima tree Gauranlen tree Polux tree Harbinger tree
    Tree stumps
    Burned stumpChopped stump (Gauranlen , Anima , Polux , Harbinger )Smashed stump (Gauranlen , Anima , Polux , Harbinger )

    Nutrifungus - RimWorld Wiki (2025)


    What is the most profitable thing to grow RimWorld? ›

    Rice and Corn are equally affected by soil, but corn cannot be grown in hydroponics. Nutrifungus, then potatoes, are affected the least by both poor and good soil. Corn is the best crop for both human food/work and cash/work. It is actually more profitable per unit work than any crop in the game, including every drug.

    Can nutrifungus grow in hydroponics? ›

    Nutrifungus grows on lichen-covered soil and must be planted in and stay in complete darkness. So long as the darkness requirement is met, it can be grown in any terrain that is sufficiently fertile to support a growing zone. This includes, but is not limited to, fungal gravel and hydroponics basins.

    What is the best early game crop RimWorld? ›

    I usually opt for Rice in the early game of RimWorld, as it's quick and provides a large number of food units on the very first harvest. A bit of Rice goes a long way in the beginning. Potatoes, like Corn, take some time to grow but prove hearty in most conditions and can satiate many colonists.

    What is the fertility of fungal gravel RimWorld? ›

    Fungal gravel has a soil fertility of 70%, and has a walk speed modifier of 87%. It is statistically identical to stoney gravel. Fungal gravel can grow any type of plant, not just nutrifungus. It is not required for growing nutrifungus, which can grow on any type of soil, provided it is grown in complete darkness.

    What is the maximum wealth in RimWorld? ›

    The maximum wealth is 1,000,000 for the purposes of raid points, and the maximum number of raid points is 10,000. If one of these two caps are reached, then there is no point managing wealth any further.

    What is the most efficient animal to raise for meat RimWorld? ›

    For meat:
    • Megaspiders have the highest efficiency of all animals with 0.716 nutrition generated per unit input. ...
    • Foxes have the highest efficiency for regular meat with 0.561. ...
    • Pigs or wild boars have the highest efficiency for herbivores with 0.246.
    Dec 28, 2023

    What is the longest lasting food in RimWorld? ›

    The simplest way to preserve food stocks in RimWorld is to focus on foodstuffs that have a particularly long shelf life. Corn, Raw Fungus, Potatoes, and Rice will all last over a month at room temperature, making them ideal choices to fill a larder.

    What is the best biome to start RimWorld in? ›

    Once the world is created, pick a temperate forest biome to start, hopefully not too far from friendly(ish) tribes - the yellows and purples. Bonus points for a river/creek, but hardly necessary.

    What is the best nutrition crop RimWorld? ›

    The very best food crop in the game, corn offers you large stacks of food for a minimal amount of work needed, making it ideal for busy bases that have labor shortages.

    What is the best plant yield Rimworld? ›

    Domesticated plants
    Grow DaysYield Per Day (Hydroponic)
    Potato plant5.81.77
    Psychoid plant90.83
    Rice plant33.03
    Smokeleaf plant7.51.82
    14 more rows
    Jun 13, 2024

    How important is rich soil Rimworld? ›

    Rich soil is particularly helpful for slower-growing crops, especially in the early game when you want to get an excellent food supply for your colonists quickly. If you have Rich Soil in your starting area, make the most of it, but don't worry too much if there isn't any. Regular Soil is still completely fine to use.

    Can animals eat raw fungus Rimworld? ›

    As a raw food, raw fungus can be be eaten raw, with a flat 2% chance of giving food poisoning, or cooked into a meal with a food poisoning chance dependent on the skill of the cook and the cleanliness of the kitchen. Animals are immune to food poisoning from raw food but not from meals.

    What is the most profitable thing you can grow? ›

    Here are eight specialty crops worth growing:
    • Bamboo. Landscapers and homeowners pay as much as $150 each for potted bamboo plants, and many growers find it hard to keep up with the demand. ...
    • Flowers. ...
    • Ginseng. ...
    • Ground Covers. ...
    • Herbs. ...
    • Landscaping Trees and Shrubs. ...
    • Mushrooms. ...
    • Ornamental Grasses.

    What is the best plant yield RimWorld? ›

    Domesticated plants
    Grow DaysYield Per Day (Hydroponic)
    Potato plant5.81.77
    Psychoid plant90.83
    Rice plant33.03
    Smokeleaf plant7.51.82
    14 more rows
    Jun 13, 2024

    What is the most profitable form of farming? ›

    13 High-Value Crops For Small Farms
    1. Mushrooms. Believe it or not, mushroom farming is a lucrative business. ...
    2. Microgreens. Microgreens are another high-value cash crop you can grow in spaces as small as basements, shipping containers, or garages. ...
    3. Ginseng. ...
    4. Lavender. ...
    5. Saffron. ...
    6. Goji Berries. ...
    7. Wasabi. ...
    8. Bonsai Plants.

    What is the best food to sell RimWorld? ›

    Note on trading[edit]
    • There is no "buy low, sell high" in RimWorld. ...
    • What's more important to note is the default 0.6x price multiplier for selling, and a seperate 1.4x price multiplier for buying. ...
    • Corn is the best crop for both human food/work and cash/work.
    Feb 27, 2023


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